Adult Treatment For Autism In Atlanta

Adult Autism Treatment In Atlanta
For adults who have aged out of school-based and children’s services, the staff at Trusty Behavioral can help.
It’s no secret that people with autism spectrum disorder can lead successful, happy lives. It’s simply a matter of helping them learn appropriate coping skills. Unfortunately, many people either age out of treatment services for children or don’t become aware of the resources to help learn these skills until later in life. When that happens, Trusty Behavioral is here to help.
Since 2014, our team of Behavior Analysts has been working with adults with autism (or “autistic adults” as some prefer to be referred to) in the metro-Atlanta area as well as other parts of the state. Our staff can deliver services where the individual works, lives or plays including the community, their job, or the comfort of their own home.

Our Treatment Services For Autism Spectrum Disorder
We use Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) which is evidence-based and widely recognized as the leading approach to helping people with autism address specific and challenging behaviors. Some of these issues may involve:
- Communication skills
- Aggressive behaviors
- Self-injury
- Repetitive behaviors
- Elopement
- Sexual behaviors
- Other issues
sing the power of positive reinforcement, our goal is to help our patients increase their independence and improve their quality of life. We teach functional skills that help our patients increase control over their own lives.
Consultation Treatment Model
When working with adults, our services typically involve a consultative approach. This involves a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) working with the service recipient, his/her family, and paid caregivers to assess the needs of the individual first.
A treatment plan (often referred to as a Behavior Support Plan- BSP) is then developed in collaboration with all parties. All staff, caregivers, and family are trained on the plan and are provided the necessary support to implement the interventions.
While we do work directly with the service recipient, the treatment gains tend to result from caregiver implementation rather than direct therapy from our staff. In some situations, we do provide 1:1 direct therapy for adults but this tends to primarily require private pay.
We currently work with some residential and day service providers in Georgia that serve individuals with autism or developmental disorders through the NOW & COMP Medicaid Waivers. We also provide services to individuals with these waivers that use Participant Direction (self-direction).
For young adults, your health insurance may still cover services or self-pay may be the only option to access our services.
If you know an adult with autism spectrum disorder who could benefit from behavioral treatment, contact the staff at Trusty Behavioral today.
Clinic Address
3091 Holcomb Bridge Rd, Ste N1
Norcross, GA 30071
Mailing Address
3091 Holcomb Bridge Rd, Ste N1
Norcross, GA 30071
Counties Served
Therapy Hours
Monday thru Friday
Getting Started
Complete our intake form
to get started.